I'm currently in denial about the 147 emails I need to sift through, or the fact I need to shower. The laundry is piling up, and the dishes seem to be multiplying on their own like rabbits at my sink. But it really doesn't bother me. The kids are fed, have clean diapers/underwear on, and that's the important thing. Somehow between now and Saturday morning I need to finish crocheting a baby blanket, and prepping food for my cousin's baby shower. I also need to go grocery shopping, and gather and set up everything for chicken killing on Sunday.
It will happen....
I'm a huge fan of last minute. It's the only way things get done, or look presentable in this house. Clean to early, the kids and dogs will destroy it. Prep and cook food to soon, and it will get eaten. I mean the last time I made cupcakes for someone else's baby shower, I had to hide them in my car.
My method of "waiting till it HAS to be taken care of" is abhored by my husband Nathan. He has OCD (obsessive, compulsive, disorder) I have IDC (I don't care). Which works out well when he's out for the week traveling. I let things go, and start the mass cleaning Thursday night, and Friday. It's a good method, that works for me, until he is home for a week.
Then we drive each other nuts, because he is insistent on getting a load of sorted and colored coded laundry in. (I innerly laugh at this, this is why I have shout color catcher sheets!) Meanwhile I'm trying to wrestle clothes on the boys and make it out the door and to our appointment on time. To him clean clothes > getting kids ready. But I love him just the same for it. Not many wives can complain that their husbands clean to much.
If your house is a mess, it's ok. Houses are meant to be lived in, they are not museums. If they were, they would be built out of glass. Children destroy any room they enter, it's inevitable. So you might as well wait till they are unconscious to even attempt to clean up after them.